本研究致力于澄清道德提升感在中国背景下的心理结构,并编制问卷。根据相关论著分析和文献梳理构建了道德提升感的结构,并通过访谈整理和专家评估,编制了针对大学生的道德提升感量表。通过对样本一(n = 283)和样本二(n = 220)进行探索性分析和验证性分析来检验量表的信效度。结果表明:1) 道德提升感具有稳定的心理结构,具体分为情感及其流露、对自己的认知、对他人的认知和行为倾向四个因子;2) 自编的中国大学生道德提升感量表具有良好的信度、效度和适用性。
The present study aims to explore the psychological structure of moral elevation in Chinese back-ground. Based on analysis of the related theories and the previous researches on moral elevation, we constructed a theoretical model of moral elevation structure, and then compiled moral elevation items based on open interviews and experts’ revise. The sample 1 (283 college students) and the sample 2 (220 college students) were surveyed to examine the validity and reliability of the scale, by the exploratory and confirmatory analysis. The findings showed that: 1) the psychological structure of moral elevation includes four factors: emotion and outpouring, cognition for own, cognition for others, behavior intention;2) the self-made Chinese version of moral elevation scale for university students has good reliability, validity and applicability.
Advances in Psychology