
西南五省24节气气候变化特征 被引量:3

Climate Change Characteristics of 24 Solar Terms in Five Southwest Provinces
摘要 24节气是中国古代劳动人民的智慧结晶,结合天文学和农业耕种特点等,反应了一年中的自然力特征,对当今的农业生产,医疗健康,植物生长,污染治理预防及灾害防范等方面均具有指导意义。本文通过对西南五省地区1960~2009年50年来24节气的气压、降水量、风速、相对湿度、温度、日照时数六个气象要素进行统计分析,得出了以下结论:西南五省地区随节气变化,气象要素变化较为显著,春分节气多微风,小暑、大暑、立秋时节炎热潮湿,大寒、立春时节寒冷干燥,白露过后暑气渐消。通过对各节气要素逐年统计分析可知:气压值在24节气均有较显著降压。秋冬季过半节气降水量均有减少趋势。春季型节气平均温度,最高温度基本都有降低,最低温度略有上升,其余节气大部分(最高、最低、平均)温度上都有不同程度降温。秋冬季型节气相对湿度降低较为显著。夏末秋初节气日照时数呈减少趋势。 The 24 solar terms are the wisdom crystallization of the working people in ancient China. Com-bined with the characteristics of astronomy and agricultural cultivation, the 24 solar terms reflect the characteristics of the natural forces in the year, and they have guiding significance for today's agricultural production, medical health, plant growth, pollution prevention and disaster prevention. Through statistical analysis of six meteorological elements among 24 solar terms, including air pressure, precipitation, wind speed, relative humidity, temperature and sunshine hours in the five provinces of Southwest China from 1960 to 2009, the following conclusions are drawn: with the changes of the solar terms, the meteorological elements have more significant changes, in the Spring Equinox, there is more breeze. The weather is hot and humid in Slight Heat, Great Heat and the Beginning of Autumn. The weather in the Great Cold and the Beginning of Spring is cold and dry, and the summer heat is gradually disappearing after the White Dew. Through the statistical analysis of each solar energy factor year by year, it can be known that the barometric pressure has a significant depressurization at 24 solar terms. For the half-passed solar terms in autumn and winter, the precipitation has a decreasing trend. For the average temperature of the solar terms in spring, the maximum temperature has reducing trend, the minimum temperature rises slightly. And in most of the other solar terms (the highest temperature, the lowest temperature, the average temperature), there are different degrees of decline in temperature. For the autumn-type and winter-type solar terms, the relative humidity has significantly reduced. For the solar terms in late summer and early autumn, the sunshine time has a decreasing trend.
作者 封希宁
出处 《地球科学前沿(汉斯)》 2019年第12期1244-1251,共8页 Advances in Geosciences
基金 成都信息工程大学本科教学工程项目(BKJX2019007,BKJX2019013,BKJX2019042,BKJX2019056,BKJX2019062,BKJX2019081,BKJX2019089,BKJX2019120和JY2018012)支持。
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