慢性鼻–鼻窦炎(Chronic Rhinosinusitis, CRS)是我们耳鼻喉科的多发病、常见病之一,反复鼻塞不适、流脓涕、头疼为鼻窦炎患者的一般症状,也可引起嗅觉下降、易疲倦、注意力不集中、精神欠佳、睡眠差、情绪低落、记忆力下降、工作效率降低等不适,这使人们的工作、生活和学习产生了极大的影响,也进一步加重了每一个家庭的经济负担以及社会的重担。其病理生理机制等较为复杂,本文主要对慢性鼻窦炎的发病机制、诊断、治疗等方面进行综述。
Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is one of the most common and frequently occurring diseases in our E. N. T. department. Its general symptoms include repeated nasal congestion, discharge of purulent mucus, and headache. It can also lead to a decline in olfactory sense, easy fatigue, inattention, poor mental state, poor sleep, low mood, memory loss, reduced work efficiency, and other discomforts. These have a significant impact on people’s work, life, and study, further increasing the economic burden of each family and the social burden. The pathophysiological mechanism of chronic sinusitis is more complex. This article mainly summarizes the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of chronic sinusitis.
Advances in Clinical Medicine