Acupuncture analgesia is effective, non-addictive and relatively safe, but its mechanism of action has not been fully understood. Understanding the mechanism of acupuncture analgesia can ensure the efficacy of its clinical application. Currently, acupuncture analgesia is believed to be a progres-sive, networked, multi-target interaction involving central, peripheral, endocrine, immune systems and other organs. With the continuous expansion of the research on acupuncture analgesia mecha-nism, many potential new technologies, such as neuroimaging technology, optogenetics technology and high-throughput sequencing technology, have been applied to the evaluation of acupuncture analgesia and explore the mechanism of action. Here is a review of its related research progress as follows, from the research background and development of acupuncture analgesia mechanism, pe-ripheral and central mechanism of acupuncture analgesia to the recent status of the application of related new technologies were briefly reviewed, to provide theoretical guidance for more accurate clinical application of acupuncture analgesia.
Advances in Clinical Medicine