真菌性腹膜炎(fangal peritonitis, FP)是长期腹膜透析(peritoneal dialysis, PD)患者的一种罕见但可能致命的并发症。其发病率高,占所有腹膜炎发作的3%~6%;死亡率在20%至30%之间。即使最终未导致死亡,其炎症过程通常也会对腹膜造成不可逆性的损伤,继而退出PD治疗。FP中最常见的病原菌为念珠菌,隐球菌感染较罕见,且引起人类感染的隐球菌主要是新型隐球菌和格特隐球菌,其他种类隐球菌如罗伦隐球菌、浅白隐球菌等偶可引人类感染。本例报道的罗伦特隐球菌是一种罕见的非新生型人类病原体,只有在机体免疫功能受损,抵抗力下降时致病,临床很少见,且感染隐球菌后尚未有明确的治疗指南,因此寻求合理有效的治疗手段是改善该类腹透患者预后的关键。
Fangal peritonitis (FP) is a rare but potentially fatal complication of peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients. Its incidence is high, accounting for 3%~6% of all peritonitis episodes;The mortality rate is be-tween 20% and 30%. Even if it does not lead to death, the inflammatory process usually causes ir-reversible damage to the peritoneum, leading to withdrawal from PD treatment. The most common pathogen in FP is Candida cryptococcus infection is relatively rare, and the main cryptococcus caus-ing human infections are Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gerts, while other cryptococcus such as Cryptococcus lorena and Cryptococcus formans may occasionally cause human infections. This case reports of Cryptococcus laurentii is a rare form of the new type of human pathogens, only in the body’s immune function is impaired, resistance to drop pathogenesis, clinical rare, and yet to have a clear after cryptococcus infection treatment guidelines, so looking for reasonable and effec-tive treatment is the key to improving the prognosis of patients with the abdomen through.
Advances in Clinical Medicine