

Research Progress of Preoperative Inflammatory Indicators in the Prognosis of Rectal Cancer
摘要 直肠癌是全球癌症相关死亡的三大原因之一,其复发和转移是癌症患者死亡和不良预后的主要原因。大量研究报道,系统性免疫炎症指数、中性粒细–淋巴细胞比率、血小板–淋巴细胞比率和淋巴细胞–单核细胞比率等各项炎症指标与直肠癌的进展和预后密切相关。本文重点总结了近年来各项炎症指标在直肠癌预后中的研究。 Colorectal cancer is one of the top three causes of cancer-related death worldwide, and its recurrence and metastasis are the major causes of death and poor prognosis in cancer patients. A large number of studies have reported that systemic immune inflammation index, neutral granular fine-to-lymphocyte ratio, platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio and lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio are closely related to the progression and prognosis of rectal cancer. In this paper, the effect of inflammatory indexes on the prognosis of rectal cancer was summarized.
出处 《临床医学进展》 2021年第10期4458-4462,共5页 Advances in Clinical Medicine
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