高等代数是培养学生综合分析能力、抽象概括能力和逻辑推理能力的一门重要专业基础课程, 课堂的教学是培养学生能力的重要环节,提高课堂教学的质量尤为重要,从高等代数中基本概念、基本定理、 例题以及习题课等方面的课堂教学提出了几点感想和建议。
Higher Algebra is an important major basis course to train the students'ability of analysis, gener-alize and reasoning. It is necessary to raise the importance and strengthen the quality. In this paper, the author give some thoughs and suggestions about explaining ele:mentary definitions, elementary theorems, examples and exercise on the course of the Higher Algebra.
Journal of Jimei University:Education Science Edition