针对五轴并联数控机床的特点 ,文章在已有的研究基础上提出一种加减速控制方法。首先 ,在程序段的插补周期内均分其刀具姿态改变量 ,解决了刀具姿态变化问题 ;其次 ,根据并联机床的运动学特性 ,限制其刀具进给速度 ,并对伺服输入进行检查 ,通过细分进给量来控制伺服输入速度在一个合理的范围之内。这种加减速控制方法简单易行 ,具有较大的实用价值。
Considering the kinematic features of the five-axis CNC parallel machine tool(PKM), a feed speed control method is proposed based on the known research fruits. Firstly, the angles represented the pose of the tool are equally divided into each interpolate time, so the problem that how to deal the pose change is solved. Then the PKM's feed speed is limited to a proper value based on the relationship between the input and output velocities of the PKM, and with the input distances of the servos being checked, the velocities of the servos are controlled in a proper scope by halving the large speed distance if needed. This method is simple and practicable, and can be easily realized.
Modular Machine Tool & Automatic Manufacturing Technique
国家 8 63计划资助项目 (2 0 0 1AA42 1 2 80 )