知识在职业群体的界定中具有特别重要的意义 ,对特定群体的知识结构的分析 ,不仅可以帮助我们认识群体生活于其间的社会和制度的特性 ,也可以使我们深刻的理解群体的功能和作用。这是研究中国古代刑官知识结构和籍此探索刑官文化在现代延传的一般性前提。探寻刑官的知识结构 ,可以从三个角度出发 :其一是刑官任官前的一般知识储备 ,这可以从科举考试的科目及内容出发 ;其二是刑官行使职权所需要的专业性知识 ,这可以从国家对各级刑官制度化的选任和考课的基本要求来分析 ;其三是刑官总体的知识取向 ,这可以从国家和刑官本人如何消解司法风险来分析。研究结果提醒我们 ,强调法律人的道德责任以及加大司法风险的程度 ,并不必然有利于职业群体的形成 ,甚至可能成为我们从知识的专门性出发所进行的专业化努力的障碍。
Knowledge plays an important role in defining professional community. The analysis on the knowledge structure of particular community is helpful not only for perceiving the characters of the society and system which makes the space for the community to live in, but also for understanding the functions of the community. This perception makes the premise for the research on the knowledge structure of Chinese Ancient Judge and the succession of the related culture in modern times. The tracing of the knowledge structure of the Ancient Judge can depart from three different points: firstly, the knowledge having been possessed before one became judge, which can be examined in the subjects and their contents of the imperial examinations; secondly, the professional knowledge necessary for an ancient judge to carry out his job, which can be known by studying the empanelment of Ancient Judge and the basic requirement of the subjects tested; thirdly, the knowledge tropism of Ancient Judge as a whole, which can be understood by analyzing how the state and judge clear up the judicial risks. The study concludes that the emphasis on the moral duties of legal professionals and the raising of the judicial risks do not necessarily do favorite to the formation of professional community, and may hinder the professionalizing based on the speciality of knowledge.
Law and Social Development
法治建设与法学理论研究部级科研项目 (合同号 :0 2SFB2 0 3 5 )的研究成果