〔目的〕本课题对发样的清洗、消化及氯化物发生—原子荧光法的条件进行了研究。〔方法〕用氢化物发生原子荧光法测定人发中砷含量。实验以丙酮预洗— 5 %中性洗涤剂浸泡的方法来清洗发样 ,4:1的HNO3-HClO4 3ml消化0 .2 0 0 0g的发样 ,先在 80℃ -90℃消化 3h ,小于 190℃赶酸 ;用 10 %的盐酸转移 ,1%VitC -1%KI作为基体改进剂 ,10 %的HCl稀释定容到 10ml;以 2 %的KBH4作为还原剂 ,10 %的盐酸为酸介质 ,进行测定。〔结果〕原子荧光的条件为负高压2 80v、灯电流 5 0mA、屏蔽气 10 0 0ml/min、载气流速 3 0 0ml/min、原子化器高度 8mm。取发样 0 .2 0 0 0g ,最低检出限为0 .0 192 μg/g ,日内精密度为 2 .6% -12 .2 % ,日间精密度 4.8% -7.1% ,头发标准物质 (As的参考值 0 .5 9± 0 .0 7μg/g)的测定值 (x±s)为 0 .5 76± 0 .0 2 0 μg/g ,线形范围 0 -5 0 .0ng/ml。消化后样品在室温及 4℃下 48h以内稳定性良好。〔结论〕运用本法对 98份采自病区的发样进行了测定。样品测定值与正常人群发砷有显著性差异 ,同时在本课题中还发现发砷和尿砷含量存在着相关性。
Objective To establish a method for detection of arsenic in human hair.〔Methods〕 The hair samples from hospitalized patients were pretreated by acetone, and then washed with 5% liquid detergent,digested by 4:1 Nitricaced-perchloric acid system in which the temperature was set between 80℃ and 90℃ first for 3 h and then increased to 190℃ to drive out the acid.The arsenic was in the hair samples was then determined with hydride generator-atomic fluorescence spectrometry using 10% HCl as acid medium, 1% ascorbic acid-1% potassium iodide as solution improver and 2% KBH 4 as the reducing agent.〔Results〕 The effect of coexist ions in hair samples upon detection of arsenic was weak. The digested hair samples had a good stability at 4℃ within 48h.〔Conclusions〕 The mean value of arsenic content in these samples is significantly higher than that in samples from healthy individuals. Meanwhile, the correlation between the content of arsenic in hair and that in urine is found in this study.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (30 1 70 795)