生物治疗是应用生物技术对各种疾病 (诸如恶性肿瘤、先天性遗传病、传染性疾病、心血管疾病、风湿免疫性疾病等 )进行治疗的一种新的治疗手段。生物治疗研究范围非常广泛 ,主要包括基因治疗、免疫治疗 (过继免疫治疗、疫苗治疗、抗体治疗、细胞因子治疗等 )、抗血管生成治疗、干细胞治疗、诱导分化及凋亡、内分泌治疗等 ,下面主要就肿瘤基因治疗。
Biotherapy is a new therapeutic tool to cure all kinds of diseases (such as malignant tumor, congenital genetic disease, infectious disease, cardiovascular disease and rheumatic disease etc. ) by biotechnology. The research scope of biotherapy is very extensive, mainly including of gene therapy, immunotherapy(adoptive immunity, vaccine, antibody and cytokine therapy etc.), anti-angiogenesis, stem cell therapy, induce differentiation and apoptosis, endocrine therapy and so on. This article explains mainly the present state and prospect in gene therapy, immunotherapy and antiangiogenic therapy for tumor.