
学生数学问题解决观的个案刻画 被引量:3

Research of Ideal of Pupil's Mathematics Problem Solution
摘要 学生的数学信念与其数学学习有着密切的关系.因此,探讨小学生的数学观问题是十分必要的.多数学生认为数学是有趣味性的,但随着年级的升高,兴趣却呈下降趋势;数学的难易程度直接影响学生对学习数学的兴趣;许多学生看重的是数学的实用性;多数学生对数学本质的认识还很模糊,这主要是受教师课堂教学的影响. Mathematics idea of pupils was very important. We would study the mathematics belief of pupils. Many pupils thought that mathematics was very interest and very difficult. They couldnt understand the mathematics essence. Teachers?conception of mathematics influenced their teaching behavior of mathematics classroom. At the same time, teachers?conception of mathematics was one of the most important factors that influenced students?conception of mathematics.
出处 《数学教育学报》 2004年第2期3-4,共2页 Journal of Mathematics Education
关键词 数学问题 数学观 数学信念 小学数学 mathematics education elementary school mathematics mathematics idea
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