目的 :研究新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病 (HIE)血浆内皮素 (ET)、甲状旁腺素 (PTH)和血钙的变化。方法 :轻中重度组HIE患儿于出生后 72h内分别测定血浆ET、PTH和血钙 ,其中ET、PTH用放射免疫法测定 ,各组两两比较 ,并与正常足月新生儿作为对照。结果 :HIE各组患儿血钙显著低于对照组 ,而ET显著高于对照组 ,且轻度HIE组与中重度HIE组 ,中度HIE组与重度HIE组之间差异显著 ;中重度HIE组血浆PTH值显著低于轻度HIE组和对照组 ,中重度HIE组间、轻度HIE组与对照组间无明显差异。结论 :新生儿HIE时血浆ET升高 ,血钙下降 ,且临床分度愈重 ,差异愈明显 ;中重度HIE患儿PTH下降 ,为临床早期评估HIE程度和治疗提供参考依据。
Objective: To study the change of ser um endothelin (ET), parathormone (PTH) and calcium in newborns with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). Method s: In a total of 42 newborns with mild, moderate and severe HIE were measu red ser um concentration of calcium and that of ET, PTH using RIA technique in 72 hours after they born. The ET, PTH and calcium values of 30 healthy newborns as control group were also measured. Results: ET levels were higher and calcium levels were lower significantly in each group of HIE than that of controls. And significant differences were observed between the mild and moderate HIE group,the moderate and severe HIE groups. PTH levels were signi ficantly reduced in the moderate and severe HIE newborns compared with the mild and control groups. There was no statistical difference between the mild HIE g roup and control group, the moderate and severe HIE groups. Conclusions: ET levels increase and calcium levels reduce in the newborns with HIE, va riation depends on severity of the disease. The serum concentration of PTH r e duces in the moderate and severe newborns with HIE. This is a secondary marker t o evaluate the situation and therapy of newborns with HIE.
The Journal of Medical Theory and Practice