祖国医学中有关冠心病临床症状的描述散见于“心悸”“胸痹”“真心痛”等病证中。目前 ,对冠心病的辨证施治尚无统一的认识。本文对近年来冠心病的辨证施治作了系统的分析 ,总结出一个既符合冠心病发生发展规律 ,又简便实用 ,为各家所接受的证型 ,为今后中医辨证施治冠心病提供参考。
Coronary heart disease(CHD)was also called ischemic heart disease.It could not be foud in Chinese medicine.But,some describes of clinical symptoms about CHD were exiting in some disease patterns,such as“Palpitation”,“Obstruction of qi in the chest ”and“Angina pectoris”etc.Recently,there was on unified recognition about the identify pattern and treatment.We analysed systemly syndrome-differentiation treatment of TCM on coronary heart disease according to pattern of CHD,and summarized a model,which not only conform to the rule of the development of CHD,but also convenient and practical,at the same time,was believed by most healers.It would provide some references for identify pattern and administer treatment in the near future.
Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine on Cardio-Cerebrovascular Disease