目前在石家庄市进行的“城中村”改造 ,是涉及千家万户利益的政府行为 ,市政府专门制定了一系列政策。作者通过对石家庄市此次改造的有关方面的调研 ,认为有 3个方面的问题需引起重视 ,即 :(1)由于土地权属变更引发的法律问题 ;(2 )关于农村集体经济组织向有限公司转化的问题 ;(3)关于建立“农转非”农民社会保障制度的问题。
At present, the reconstruction of “village-in-city” in Shijiazhuang is a government behavior of involving a huge number of families. The municipal government has made a series of special policies. The author has investigated the department of concerned. It is considered that there are three problems need to be noticed: (1) The legal problem caused by land ownership change. (2) How to turn collective economic organization into Ltd. (3) The social security system for peasants.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics