The level of FcγR on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was determinedby ABC-ELISA in 43 patients with primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC) and in 8patients with space-occupying benign lesion (BL) in liver, twelve patients who wereoperated for PHC were followed up to detect their FcγR. Nine PBMC samples fromPHC were treated with rIFNγ. The results showed that: 1. the level of FcγR in PHCpatients was significantly lower than that in BL and in normal control;2. the expres-sion of FcγR was enhanced in postoperated PHC patients, 3. the production of IFNγin PHC patients was defective. The level of FcγR on PBMC was increased obviouslyin PHC after PBMC being treated with rIFNγ but was still lower than that in control.These results suggested: 1. FcγR dotection is helpful for distinguishing malignantfrom benign; (2) The inhibited expression of FcγR in PHC could be related to somefactors secreted by cancer tissues and also to low level of IFNγ; (3) IFNγ stimulatesthe expression of FcγR in vitro as one of the antitumour mechanism of IFNγ.