理论上建立了电容传感器用于谷物含水率测量的数学模型 ,并实践于谷物水分在线测试仪中。本文对测试仪的基本工作原理、设计方案进行了综合分析。此仪器由微型机控制测试仪的温度控制系统和水分测试系统 ,且这两大部分之间可以进行通信 ,进行数据交换和控制信息传送 。
In this paper,a grain moisture content—determination model of capacitor sensor was established theoretically。The paper describes the structure and basic principle of a moisture measuring instrument on line for grain.The paper also analyses the total design scheme.The temperature of drying grain controlling system and the moisture of drying grain measuring system,This two parts are controlled by computer and them can communicate each other,exchange data,convey control information and realize efficient measurement on line.
Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)