介绍了字符叠加芯片MB90 0 92的结构和主要特点 ,以及以它为核心构成的实时图像显示系统的设计方法及硬件结构框图、软件流程。该系统采用 89C5 1直接控制字符叠加芯片MB90 0 92 ,不仅软件编程简单、全中文显示 ,而且还可以设置子菜单 (用副屏显示 )使更多的信息实时叠加显示在屏幕上。
The structure and main feature of character overlap chip MB90092 was introduced. The Design of real-time image display system on MB90092 was presented. The block diagram of hardware and software flow diagram are given too. 89C51 directly controlled character overlap chip MB90092. The system is not only programmed simply but also displayed in Chinese and it can be set submenu ( displayed in sub screen) to display more real-time message on screen
Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)