庙底沟文化的渊源长期以来众说不一 ,2 0世纪 90年代初 ,在山西省翼城的枣园遗址和北橄遗址发现的文化遗存为我们重新认识这一问题提供了充分的依据。根据我们的研究 ,枣园文化北橄遗址一至四期遗存属于同一文化系统 ,枣园文化晚期与关中地区的半坡文化早期同时 ,庙底沟文化是以晋南、豫西地区枣园文化以来的传统文化为主体 ,接受了西部半坡文化的部分先进因素而形成的 ,东庄一期是北橄遗存与半坡文化融合的产物 ,庙底沟文化是不同文化交流、碰撞、融合的结晶。
There are some different opinions on the source of Miaodigou culture.The cultural relics discovered of Zaoyuan site and Beigan site in Yicheng county,Shangxi province,provides the sufficient proofs to the reorganization of the problem.Based on our research,the four periods of the Beigan relics of Zaoyuan culture belongs to the same system,and the late Zaoyuan culture origins at the same time with Banpo culture in Guanzhong area.The Miaodigou culture composed mainly of traditional cultures of Zaoyuan culture in the areas of northern Shanxi province and western Henan province,and some advanced elements of western Banpo culture as well.The first period of Dongzhuang culture is the mixture of Beigan relics and Banpo culture,and the Miaodigou culture is the exchange,collision and integration of different cultures.
Cultural Relics of Central China