The molecular phylogenetics of sect. Parrya Myre of Pinus L. was analyzed based onchloroplast matKgene sequence data. The section was resolved as paraphyletic because members of thesect. Strobus were nested within a clade composed by the Asian members of the section, including theVietnamese P. krempfii Lecomte, which was strongly supported with a bootstrap value of 92%. [n thistopology, the three sampled species of sect. Strobus formed a strongly supported monophyletic group,while their relationships of Asian species of sect. Parrya were not clear. P. krempfii was grouped with P.gerardiana Wall. ex D. Don with low bootstrap support. The relationships among the Asian members of thesect. Parrya, i.e.P, bungeana Zucc. ex Loud., P. gerardiana and the recently described endangered pine, P.squarnata X. W. Li, was not resolved, although the monophyly of the three pines was strongly supported inthe combined analysis of four cpDNA sequences. The topology of the neighbor joining tree revealed anassemblage of the American members of the section, which also appeared in the majority rule tree withweak bootstrap support. However, this assemblage was not resolved in the consensus tree of theparsimonious analysis. The American subsect. Ba/fourianae Engelm. formed a weakly supported groupincluding P. aristata Engelm., while the relationships among and within the other two American subsections,Cembroides Englem. and tTzedowskianae Carv., were not resolved, as the members of them formed apolytomy in the consensus tree of the parsimonious analysis. The biogeographical implications of theresults are also discussed in this paper.