结合国内外微细电化学加工技术的最新进展 ,系统地综述了微细电化学加工在多个方面的研究情况和工艺特点 ,例如LIGA工艺、用电化学隧道显微镜 (electrochemicalSTM )的针尖进行纳米级尺寸的电化学加工、用超短脉宽脉冲电压微细电化学加工等。
Through combining recent advancement of electrochemical micromachining(EMM) technology, this paper summarizes in a systematic way the study situation and process characteristics of EMM, for example, LIGA technology, nanostructuring by the tip of electrochemical STM, electrochemical micromachining with ultrashort voltage pulses and so on. As a micromachining process in the order of micrometer or nanometer, EMM should be a promising technology.
Electromachining & Mould