首次采用新的方法推导出非均匀介质中非对称耦合传输线在一般情况下的散射参数解析表达式 ,给出了以正规模式参量描述的非均匀介质中非对称耦合传输线的散射参数表达式 ,形式简明 ,物理概念明晰。从理论上证明了所得散射参数的正确性 ,并结合所得S参数 ,给出了非均匀介质中非对称耦合传输线的等效网络。为非均匀介质中非对称耦合传输线在三维 (多层 )微波集成电路中的应用提供了有力的理论工具。
Using a novel approach, the analytic expressions of the scattering parameters in general condition for the asymmetric coupled transmission lines in inhomogeneous medium (ACTLIM) are derived in this paper for the first time. The expressions of the scattering parameters for the ACTLIM expressed by normal mode parameters are given. They are explicit in expression and clear in the conception. The analytical relationships between s parameters and z parameters have been approved. Combined with the derived scattering parameters, the equivalent networks of the ACTLIM are presented. The s parameters of the ACTLIM given in the paper will provide powerful theoretical tool for the application of the ACTLIM in the three dimensional (multilayer) microwave integrated circuits.
Journal of Microwaves
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (编号 :6 97710 19)