目的 探讨以趾底动脉为血供的足趾组织瓣移植修复手指组织缺损的临床疗效。方法 19 95年 3月始对 56例 68指手指组织缺损采用趾底动脉为血供的组织瓣修复 ;其中第二足趾移植 12块 ,第二趾胫侧皮瓣 2 2块 ,第三趾胫侧皮瓣 2块 ,趾腓侧皮瓣 12块 ,第二趾间关节皮瓣 9块 ,第二趾动脉趾甲皮瓣 2块 ,母趾趾甲皮瓣 9块。结果 55例 67块组织瓣全部存活。其中 5块组织瓣在术后发生动脉危象 ,皮瓣减张处理后存活。 1例 1块组织瓣部分坏死。术后随访 6~ 3 6个月 ,手功能按中华医学会手外科学会上肢部分功能评定试用标准评定[1],优良率为 92 .6%。结论 应用趾底动脉为血供的组织瓣移植可以一期修复手指部单一或复合组织缺损 。
ObjectiveTo investigate the treatment outcome of repairing fi nger defect by composite flap transfer based on plantar digital artery.MethodsSince March 1995, 56 cases (68 fingers) were repaired and rec onstructed by com posite flap transfer. The blood supply to the flap was provided by a plantar dig ital artery. Various combinations of tissues including skin-nail, neurovascular - cutaneous, osteo-tendinous, joint-cutaneous were used, depending on tissue def ec ts of the finger. ResultsArterial crisis happened in 3 cases w hich was reverse d by decompression of the flap. 67 flaps of 55 cases completely survived. Partia l necrosis occurred in 1 case. The follow-up period ranged from 6 to 36 months. Evaluation of finger function revealed 92.6% of excellent and good rate accordin g to the provisional functional assessment criterion for upper limbs issued by t he Hand Surgery Society of Chinese Medical Association.ConclusionComposite flap transfer based on plantar digital artery can achieve primary repair and reconstr uction of tissue defects in the finger. It takes into consideration of both anat omical and functional restoration.
Chinese Journal of Hand Surgery