秦沈客运专线路基施工控制的难点是软土地基的沉降控制 ,常规的沉降计算方法的计算精度还满足不了设计要求 ,误差不易控制。本文运用非线性有限元软件 ADINA对秦沈客运专线某软土地基试验段DK 2 74 +92 0断面的固结变形进行了计算模拟 ,得到了比较接近实际的结果。
The difficulty of the embankment engineering project on the Qinshen Passenger Special Line lies in the settlement control of soil foundation. Conventional calculation methods of settlement can not satisfy the needs in calculation precision the design required. Calculation errors are not easy to be controlled.In this paper,by use of ADINA,a nonlinear FEM program,the author calculates and simulates the consolidation deformation for a soft soil foundation at DK274+920 cross-section on Qinshen Passenger Special Line.The experimental result is close to the result observed,which proves that the method used in this paper is feasible.
Traffic Engineering and Technology for National Defence