目的 :探讨清络通痹复方水提液 (青风藤等 )的最佳精制技术。方法 :采用陶瓷膜微滤、超滤、醇沉、离心、絮凝、大孔树脂吸附 6种技术精制清络通痹复方水提液。以性状、青藤碱损失率和杂质除去率为指标 ,对各技术精制效果进行对比。结果 :6种技术均能使药液澄明度显著提高 ;除杂率以树脂法最高 ,达 80 %以上 ,陶瓷膜微滤除杂率为 2 1.7% ,小于醇沉和超滤 ,但高于絮凝澄清和高速离心 ;青藤碱损失率以AB 8树脂法最低 ( 6 .39% ) ,而 85 %乙醇沉淀法最高( 5 8.4 4 % )。陶瓷膜微滤法损失率为 15 .31% ,小于超滤、醇沉、高速离心和絮凝。树脂吸附液的色谱图与煎煮液色谱图差别较大 ,但陶瓷膜微滤等其他 5种精制液的色谱图与煎煮液色谱图差别较小。结论 :陶瓷膜微滤具有除杂率适中 ,有效成分损失少 ,工艺简单等优点 ,是清络通痹复方水提液的最佳精制技术。
AIM: To select optimum purification of Qingluotongbi decoction (Caulis Sinomenii etc.). METHODS: Qingluotongbi decoction was refined respectively by ceramic membrane microfiltration, ultrafiltration, alcohol sedimentation, high speed centrifugalization, flocculation and macroporous resin absorption. Their refining effect was compared according to indexes of color, clarity, loss rate of sinomenine, removal ratio of impurity. RESULTS: All kinds of purification made decoction light and clear. Removal ratio of impurity by macroporous resin absorption was the highest and reached 80% or more. Removal ratio of impurity by ceramic membrane microfiltration was 21.17% , less than that by alcohol sedimentation or ultrafiltration, but more than that by flocculation and centrifugalization. Loss rate of sinomenine by AB 8 type macroporous resin absorption was the lowest and reached 6.39% , and that by ceramic membrane microfiltration was 15.31% , less than that by ultrafiltration, alcohol sedimentation, centrifugalization and flocculation. The chromatogram of decoction disposed by macroporous resin was different from that of decoction unsettled, but that disposed by ceramic membrane was similar to that of decoction unsettled. CONCLUSION: The technique of ceramic membrane microfiltration is optimum purification of Qingluotongbi decoction with the virtues of moderate removal ratio of impurity, small amount lose rate of sinomenine and simple process.
Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine
江苏省中医药管理局基金 (970 0 9)
江苏省教育厅自然科学基金(99KJB3 60 0 0 7)资助
ceramic membrane microfiltration
macroporous resin
Qingluotongbi Granule