现知山东苔藓植物有56科155属433种(包括变种和亚种),约占全国苔藓植物科的47 86%,属的28 34%,种的13 57%。从区系成分上看,山东苔藓植物区系具有两大特点:一是温带成分比例高;二是东亚成分多;就地理分布而言,沿海地区种类多于内陆地区,山区多于平原的分布特点。可以说,山东苔藓植物区系与山东种子植物区系[7]相类同,是相对简单的北温带类型的苔藓植物区系。
So far as we know there are 56 families,155 genera and 433 species (including varieties and subspecies) of the bryophytes in Shandong Province,that they occupy 47.86%,28.34% and 13.57% of the families,genera and species of the bryophytes of China separately.Floristically,the species numbers of the bryophytes are higher along the coast regions comparing with those of the inner regions in Shandong Province,and more species of the bryophytes are in the mountain region.Generally,the elements of the bryoflora of Shandong are similar to those the flora of the seed plants,that the former ones contain mainly the temperate elements and East Asian elements.
Shandong Science