川西地区以山地、高原地貌为主,位处亚热带,且具明显的季风气候,该区复杂而独特的自然地理条件孕育了丰富的植物种类。通过对以往研究资料和野外调查数据的整理分析,笔者获得了川西地区种子植物名录,经过科、属、种的统计分析,笔者得知该区种子植物区系共有6 704种,隶属211科1 151属,植物种类相当丰富;经过优势科、属主要分布区分析及种的地理成分分析,笔者得知该区6 704种种子植物可划分为14个分布区类型和21个分布区变型,区系地理成分复杂,热带成分与温带成分并存且以温带成分为主,区系具有过渡性和交叉性,除此以外,该区种子植物区系最显著特点是特有成分众多,其中,新老特有成分并存且以新为主。结合该区地质构造史,笔者得知该区系是一起源古老但同时又较为年轻的亚热带高山植物区系;经过特有现象分析笔者认为该区是北温带型属的起源与分化中心之一。
The western regions of Sichuan are mainly mountain landforms. These regions are located in the subtropical area and have an obvious monsoon climate, and because of the complicated and particular natural conditions, enjoy a plenty of plant species. Through the analysis of the past research data and outdoor investigation data, the authors get the namelist of the seed plants in these regions. Through the statistics analysis,there are found 6 704 seed plants which belong to 1 151 genera,211 families. Through the analysis of geographical components and the analysis of the majority distribution area of dominant families and dominant genera,the authors know that 6 704 seed plants belong to 14 distribution types and 21 distribution variants,and the geographical components of the flora are complicated. There are the tropical component and the temperate component which is dominant, and the flora is transitional and is crossed by different floras. Besides, the endemic component is numerous, having old and new endemic component which is dominant. Based on the analysis of the geological history of the district, the authors know that the origin of the flora is very old while it is a young sub-tropical alpine flora. Through the analysis of the endemic phenomenon the authors know that the western area of Sichuan is maybe one of the centers of origin and differentiation of the north temperate component genera.
Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology
The geographical component of the species, The endemic component, Seed plants, Western Sichuan