描述了 U MTS系统中移动到移动语音呼叫时两种提高语音质量的方法 ,即 TF O( Tandem Free Operation)和Tr FO ( Transcoder F ree Operation)机制。分析了他们的操作原理后 ,本文的主要贡献在于对二者的性能和优缺点做了深入的比较研究 ,并且就实现问题 ,给出了几种解决方案。
The present article describes two methods of improving speech quality for mobilemobile calls in UMTS system, i.e. TFO(tandem free operation) and TrFO(transcoder free operation). Then analyses their principles of operation and summarizes each performance and virtues or shortcomings after comparing TFO and TrFO.At last some possible solutions are given for implementing.
Modern Electronics Technique