经济法是我国法学学科中的主干课程。运用经济学和法学两学科相结合的教学方法是一种在教学中较成功的尝试。概念与含义 ,运用经济学原理剖析经济法基础理论 ;法律与经济 ,运用经济学知识分析具体的经济法律制度 ;具体与抽象 ,应用直观的经济形象解析经济法的各项具体规定。
The economic law is the backbone course in the discipline of law. The teaching methodology of combination of economics with law is a promising attempt tried successfully in classroom teaching. In teaching concepts and implications, economic principles are applied to the analysis of the basic theories of economic laws; in teaching laws as related to economy, knowledge of economics is applied to the concrete analysis of the system of economic laws; in teaching specific cases and general principles, the intuitionistic economic images are applied to the concrete regulations of the economic law.
Journal of Anhui University of Science and Technology:Social Science