首先 ,介绍国内外广泛存在的流域跨界水污染纠纷问题 ,结合我国流域的实际情况 ,提出污染物人工调控和污染物间接不影响等几个基本假定 ,构建流域跨界水污染结构描述模型。其次 ,分析污染物削减指令配额管理体制的优缺点 ,建立流域跨界水污染纠纷合作平调模型。最后 ,通过对淮河流域跨界水污染纠纷的实证分析验证合作平调模型 。
The serious transboundary water pollution dissension at home and abroad has been introduced in the paper. Several basic hypothesizes(including environment capacity regulated by man and pollutant not influencing indirectly) have been supposed, and model of structure description of transboundary water pollution is brought forward combining the Chinese circumstances. Advantage and disadvantage of management system of appointed quota of pollution reduction have been analyzed, and model of cooperation and reallocation is brought forward. Advantage and disadvantage of model of cooperation and reallocation have been analyzed through the transboundary water pollution dissension of Huaihe River Valley. Some factors affecting model of cooperation and reallocation have been analyzed in the end.
Systems Engineering