进攻性现实主义在经典现实主义和防御性现实主义基础上有继承也有发展。在“引起国家争夺权力的原因”上 ,它承继了防御性现实主义的体系结构思想 ,在“国家需要多少权力”问题上则回归了经典现实主义 ,却与防御性现实主义分道扬镳了。体系结构与权力最大化命题的结合是进攻性现实主义对现实主义的一大创新 ,但该命题关于“修正主义国家”的立论存在逻辑演绎上的缺陷 ,其“中国修正主义论”更乏严谨性。
Offensive realism is developed on the basis of both classical realism and defensive realism.It inherits the idea of defensive realism in the structure of the international system in terms of the reasons that nations struggle for power,whereas it departs from defensive realism and returns to classical realism on the question of how much power a nation should have.The combination of the structure of the international system and the maximization of power is innovative in terms of adding offensive realism to realism.However,the arguments for a“status quo power”and a“revisionist state”reconstructed by offensive realism are not governed by logic.In particular,China's alleged revisionist intentions deduced by offensive realism lack precise and meticulous reasoning.
World Economics and Politics