
GOALS/LASG模式对气候平均态的模拟 被引量:8

摘要 中国科学院大气物理研究所LASG最近发展了全球海洋 大气 陆面耦合气候模式系统 (GOALS)的新版本 ,实现了全球大气环流谱模式 (R42L9)与海洋环流模式 (T63L3 0 )在 40°S~ 40°N之间的开洋面上海 气通量交换的完全耦合。该模式系统已积分了 40a ,基本上不存在明显的气候漂移。文中通过对所模拟的后 3 0a平均的热带、副热带地区海温、海表风应力、洋面净通量和降水等的气候平均态与多种实测资料的对比分析 ,结果表明 ,GOALS模式基本上模拟再现了当今气候的一些主要特征 ,对热带气候平均态已具有一定的模拟能力 ,但也注意到 ,与观测相比 ,区域性差异是明显存在的 ,比如沿赤道西太平洋“暖池”区和靠近南美沿岸的东太平洋海域以及印度洋海表温度明显偏高约 2℃ ,所模拟的赤道东太平洋海温冷舌西伸明显 ,造成赤道中太平洋海温明显偏冷等偏差。这些模拟误差 ,与模式中海表风应力和洋面所得到或释放的净热通量有密切的关系。 Recently, the new version of the global ocean atmosphere land system (GOALS) h as been developed at State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysica l Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics (LASG/IAP). It is a fully cou pled model between 40°S and 40°N latitudes where the ocean atmosphere flux ex change has not any flux adjustment. A 40 year integration of the model shows th at there is almost not climate drift. The climatic mean states of sea surface te mperature (SST), wind stress, net energy flux at surface, and precipitation in t he tropic and subtropical Pacific, which is the mean averaged for the last 30 y ear simulations, were analyzed in comparison with observations. The results show n that the GOALS model reproduces some main characteristics of climate mean stat e in tropics. However, there still exist some large regional biases in the model if compared with observations. For examples, the simulated SSTs in three region s of the equatorial western Pacific 'warm pool', the eastern Pacific near the western coast of the South America, and the equatorial Indian Ocean are around 2 ℃ warmer than the observational data, and the cold 'tong' in the equatorial eastern Pacific obviously spreads westward. The forming of those biases in the G OALS model is largely related to errors of wind stress and net energy flux at th e ocean surface. The SST bias, in turn, influences on the precipitation simulati on.
出处 《气象学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期20-30,共11页 Acta Meteorologica Sinica
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目ZKCX2SW 2 1 0 国家自然科学基金重点 4 0 2 31 0 0 5 4 0 0 0 50 0 8和 4 0 1 350 2 0项目
关键词 大气环流谱模式 海洋环流模式 气候平均态 模拟评估 耦合 The global ocean atmosphere land coupled climate model system,Climate mean state,Validation of simulation.
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