东印度洋—西太平洋暖池海区是全球重要的热量和水汽源区,在气候系统中起到驱动作用。印度尼西亚海道的开合控制了印度洋—太平洋暖池之间水体和热量的输送,影响着暖池的发展与演化。晚中新世以来,太平洋板块向西朝欧亚板块持续俯冲,印度板块与欧亚板块发生强烈陆陆碰撞,澳大利亚板块于10 Ma开始向北俯冲,这些构造运动使印度尼西亚海道逐渐关闭,改变了西太平洋和东印度洋之间的洋流体系。在上新世时期,作为西太平洋暖池和东印度洋暖池的连接纽带,印度尼西亚贯穿流的水体来源由高温高盐的南赤道太平洋水团转变为低温低盐的北赤道太平洋水团。印度尼西亚海道的关闭造成了印度尼西亚贯穿流的改变和西太平洋暖池逐渐强化,使东印度洋海水表层温度降低,次表层海水盐度降低。印度尼西亚海道和印度尼西亚贯穿流的协同演化不仅与澳大利亚西北大陆和东非大陆的干旱气候有关,还降低了对北半球高纬地区的热输送。经向热输送的改变可能促进了北极冰盖的形成,但是其对北极冰盖形成的具体影响途径和影响程度的大小还有待继续深入研究。
The Indo-Pacific warm pool is an important global source of heat and water vapor that plays a key role in climate systems.The opening and closing of the Indonesian seaway controls the transport of water and heat between the Indo-Pacific warm pools and has a significant influence.Since the Late Miocene,the Pacific Plate has subducted westward toward the Eurasian Plate,the Indian and the Eurasian plates have undergone strong land-land collision,and the Australian Plate has begun to subduct northward at 10 Ma.These tectonic movements have gradually closed the Indonesian seaway,changing the ocean circulation between the western Pacific Ocean and the eastern Indian Ocean.During the Pliocene,the source of the Indonesian Through Flow(ITF)changed from the high-temperature,high-salinity South Equatorial Pacific to the low-temperature,lowsalinity North Equatorial Pacific.Consequently,the western Pacific warm pool gradually strengthened,the sea surface temperature of the eastern Indian Ocean decreased,and the subsurface salinity decreased.Changes in the ITF not only contributed to the aridification of northwestern Australia and eastern Africa but also reduced tropical heat transport to the higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere.The change in meridional heat transport likely promoted the formation of the Arctic ice sheet,but the specific mechanisms and magnitude of its impact need to be further studied.
DING Yifan;TIAN Jun(State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)
Advances in Earth Science