武陵源风景区较突出的环境问题主要表现在大气环境质量降低、水质恶化、生物多样性受到威胁等问题。本文在实地调查和与专家访谈的基础上设计函调问卷 ,通过对函调问卷的综合分析 ,构建武陵源旅游区生态环境质量评价模型 ,对旅游区的旅游环境质量做出了评判。研究发现 ,尽管从总体上看 ,武陵源风景区自然生态环境、社会文化环境与旅游资源环境比较优越 ,但从评估的结果看 ,由于武陵源旅游区前期的开发力度过大 ,某些地方的无序开发已经导致了一系列的环境问题。有鉴于此 ,本文提出了武陵源风景区环境管理的具体建议。
With rapid development of tourism, the environmental degradation in Wulingyuan Scenic Spot, especially the degradation of the air and water quality, has attracted some scholarly and governmental attention. To quantitatively evaluate the environmental quality, this paper developed an evaluation model based on the field work and a Delphi methodology. The main findings show that although there exist advantageous ecological environment and tourism resources, the rapid development of tourism has laid more pressure on the environment capacity which further leads to a series of environmental problems. In this sense, this paper brought about some suggestions on the tourism resources exploitation, optimum determination of the tourism planning and tourism environmental management and suggested that the local government should strength the monitoring of environmental quality, promote the assessment programs of environmental impacts, strengthen the systematic reforms to internalize the external effects of environment and develop the industries of environmental resources to guarantee the rational exploitation of environmental resources.
Geographical Research
科学与技术部国际科技合作重点项目"中国西部开发的生态环境综合评价" (2 0 0 1DFDF0 0 0 4)