非智力因素是青少年竞技运动员综合竞技能力发展与发挥的动力—调节系统 ,是心理训练的重要内容 ;通过访谈了解到非智力因素是运动训练系统的薄弱环节之一 ,故本文运用自编自陈量表法、逻辑分析法、个案调查法和数理统计法等 ,对与耐力性运动项群青少年竞技运动员关系密切的 10项具体非智力因素的作用等级及发展的现状进行了多角度的调查与统计分析 ,旨在找出规律 ,为广大一线教练员对该项群青少年竞技运动员进行更为有效的非智力因素培养 ,提高其心理能力乃至综合竞技能力提供参考。
Non-intelligent factors of teenage athletes are the impetus-regulate system of the development and displays of their comprehensive competitive abilities,are the important content of psychological training; with the practical investigation, one may find out non-intelligent factors are weak links of sports training. This thesis, with self-compiling and self-reporting questionnaires, logical analysis, case study, mathematical statistics and so on, presents multi-angle investigations and statistical analysis of both the function grades and the developing conditions of ten specific non-intelligent factors closely related to teenage athletes of physical power-oriented endmportant content of psychological training; with the practical investigation, one may find out non-intelligent factors are weak links of sports training. This thesis, with self-compiling and self-reporting questionnaires, logical analysis, case study, mathematical statistics and so on, presents multi-angle investigations and statistical analysis of both the function grades and the developing conditions of ten specific non-intelligent factors closely related to teenage athletes of physical power-oriented enduring event-group, aiming at finding out some regular patterns for the practical coaches to foster such type of teenage athletes' effective non-intelligent factors and enhance their psychological ability and comprehensive competitive ability.
Sports & Science