通过对受精卵孵化及初孵仔鱼的饵料选择 ,仔鱼阶段海水比重 ,温度的调节等实验 ,研究了点带石斑鱼人工育苗技术。结果表明 :采用牡蛎受精卵或担轮幼虫为初孵仔鱼的饵料是可行的。育苗的成活率与温度、比重。
Through the experiments for hatching of fertilized egg and the bait selection of newly hatched larva and the regulations of sea water specific weight and temperature at larval stage,the technique for artificial breeding of Epinephelus coioides was studied.The result shows that oysters zygote or trochophora larva is suiteble for the bait of newly hatched larva. Survival rate of larva has close relation with temperature,specific weight and quality of water .
Journal of Fujian Fisheries