当前 ,我国大学教育中由于人文教育理念缺失引发的教育功利化、非人性化等一系列问题 ,已经严重影响到大学本身的生存发展及其在社会发展进程中作用的发挥。因此 ,有必要围绕人性化、个性化、综合化和社会化四个中心价值观念重建当代大学人文教育理念 ,以期真正发挥大学的人文教化功能 。
At present, a series of problems such as education utilitarianism and non humanization caused by the lack of the humanities education idea has exerted a serious influence on the existence and development of the universities themselves and their role on the development of social process. Therefore there is an urgent need to reconstruct the humanities education idea around four centre concepts of value: humanization,personalization, synthesization and socialization to give full play to the university′s humanities education function and recreate the spirit of the universities.
Researches in Medical Education