部分行使股权优先购买权是指有限责任公司股东在转让股份时 ,其他股东希望只优先购买被转让股份中的一部分。在对待股份转让限制的立场上 ,各国立法不一 ,法、日对股份自由转让较保守 ,德、美较自由。我国应当将公权介入的空间降为最低。如果公权干预的目的出于平等却将造成新的不平等 ,则就没有公权干预的必要。
Partial option to purchase refers to the right of preemption for shareholders to purchase part of the shares transferred by the limited-liability company. Countries are different in legislation about the limit to stock transfer. France and Japan are conservative, while Germany and the United States are comparatively free. The author is of the opinion that China should minimize the public right to intervene, for it's unnecessary for the public right to intervene if inequality appears with the purpose for the intervention to achieve equality.