诚信义务发生在有诚信关系的托付人与诚信义务人之间。由于控制股东通过股权或其他方式控制着公司的经营决策 ,为了避免其滥用控制权 ,必须对其科以诚信义务 ,并对合法权益受到控制股东侵犯的公司及少数股东提供法律救济。针对我国上市公司中国有股一股独大的现状 ,只有在《公司法》中确立控制股东的诚信义务 ,才能有效保护公司及少数股东利益。
The duty of fiduciary derives from the fiduciary relation between the entrustor and the fiduciary. The duty of fiduciary could prevent the controlling shareholder from abusing his controlling power with the help of share voting and other methods. Remedy for the injured corporation and minority shareholders is the necessary part of the duty of fiduciary. With respect to the superiority of the controlling shareholder in Chinese listed corporations, the establishment of the duty of fiduciary in our Corporation Law will be a prerequisite for the protection of the interests of the corporation and minority shareholders.