以“福鼎大白茶×浙农 12”人工杂交后代为育种材料 ,经系统选种、无性繁殖 ,育成优质、高产茶树新品种——“浙农 176”。品比试验表明 ,浙农 176为早芽型品种 ,其春季萌发期与福鼎大白茶 (对照 )接近 ;适制绿茶 ,产量和品质均超过对照。“浙农 176”茶多酚总量和氨基酸含量高 ,分别超过对照 4 .1%和 8.7%。“浙农 176”抗旱性、抗寒性较强 ,超过对照 ;抗病虫力与对照相当。
The quality and high yield tea Cultivar 'Zhenong 176' has been bred by means of systematic selection and vegetative propagation from the hybrids of 'Fuding Dabaicha×Zhenong 12'.The result of field test showed that the sprouting period of 'zhenong 176' was similar to 'Fuding Dabaicha'(control),and it was suitble to produce green tea,and its yield and quality were higher than the control. The result of Chemical components analysis showed that content of tea polyphenols and animo acid was higher than the control by 4.1% and 8.7%,respectively. Resistance investgation showed that its resistance to drough and cold conditions was better than the control,and resistance to pests was similar to the control.
Journal of Tea
国家科技攻关项目 ( 2 0 0 1BA5 0 2 B0 2 )
浙江省科技厅项目 ( 0 1110 2 15 9)资助