采用数理统计和“卡特尔 16种个性因素测试”等方法 ,对 3组不同高考成绩的学生进行研究 ,结果表明不同考分学生组在身体素质和心理素质方面存在差异。考分中等的男生和考分较高的女生身体素质比较好 ,其个性心理特征为较自信、情绪稳定。考分较差的学生组其身体素质也较差 ,具有自信心差、情绪不稳定特征者较多。提示社会、学校和家庭在青少年成长中 ,应注重身体素质和心理素质等非智力因素的培养。
Study based on mathematical statistics and 'Cartel Individuality Test' and so on,its results indicate that there are differences in body quality and mind quality among the students with different college-entrance scores. Boys with fair scores and girls with higher scores are more active, they are more confident and their emotions are stable. But the group with lower scores are mostly less active, they lack confidence and their emotions are not stable.It is pointed out that society, schools and families should pay more attention to fostering students' quality of body and mind.
Journal of Anhui Sports Science