目的 为了模拟在体卵巢释放激素的生理功能 ,将成年大鼠的双卵巢切除后行自体腹腔移植 ,观察其移植效果 ,为临床卵巢移植提供实验依据 ,探索治疗围绝经期综合征的新途径。方法 将性成熟的 SD雌性大鼠的双侧卵巢切除 ,两个卵巢立即行自体腹腔移植 ,通过观察阴道脱落细胞变化、子宫角形态及测定血清雌激素水平 ,了解移植后大鼠的内分泌情况 ,判断移植成功与否以及内分泌功能如何。结果 移植组阴道脱落细胞 7/8显示有雌激素分泌 ,子宫角形态及血清的雌激素水平明显优于去势组 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,与正常组差异无显著性 (P>0 .0 5 )。结论 新鲜卵巢自体移植后 ,能分泌雌激素 ,并作用于靶器官维持其功能 ,为临床卵巢移植提供了实验依据。卵巢移植有可能成为临床治疗卵巢内分泌功能不足的新方法。
Objective To imitate the physiological function of hormone released by ovaries,the devascula rized ovarian tissues from adult female SD rats were transplanted intraperitoneally in themselves,to see the effect of transplantation and provide the experimental evidence to clinical transplantation and to search after a new way to treat perimenopausal syndrome.Methods Sexually matured female SD rats underwent a heteroautoplasty of severing their bilateral ovaries and immediately grafting them in the abdominal cavities,to understand hormone secrection in the transplaned rats and judge their endocrine function and the growth,by checking the changes of vaginal cast off cells,uterine horn shapes,and the serum estrogen levels.Results In transplanted group,according to the change of vaginal cast off cells,7 of 8 animals had estrogen secretion.The uterine horn shape and serum estrogen level were significantly better than oophorectomized animals′.There was no difference between the transplanted group and normal group.Conclusion This study indicates that bilateral autotransplanted ovaries can grow and also secrete hormones.Ovarian transplantation may be a new kind of treatment for perimenopausal syndrome.
Shanxi Medical Journal