视听资料在我国是一种独立的证据种类 ,它对民事案件过程的再现具有其他证据种类无法比拟的特性。但是 ,视听资料本身又包含有易被伪造、篡改的先天不足 ,瑕疵视听资料 (包括非法视听资料 )的证据能力该如何判断 ?视听资料在司法实践中的采信规则该如何把握 ?等问题 ,都是我们要面对且亟待解决的课题。本文主要就视听资料的证据能力及采信规则进行一番探讨 。
Audiovisual reference material is a unique kind of evidence in China with distinctive function in replaying the course of civil cases. However, it has the shortcomings of being easy to forge and distort. How to judge the credibility of audiovisual reference material (including illegal audiovisual reference material)? How to carry out rules of admissibility for audiovisual reference material in judicial practice?… Such problems need immediate solution. This article discusses the credibility and rules of admissibility for audiovisual reference material in order to make some theoretical preparation for future set up of particular system for audiovisual reference material.
Modern Law Science