刑讯逼供是司法领域的一大顽症 ,其存在既与司法工作人员的个人素质有关 ,更与立法上口供采信规则的不完善分不开。解决这一问题 ,必须从三个方面入手 :一是明确规定沉默权的合法性 ;二是限制口供的证明能力 ;三是禁止以非法方法获取口供。
Inquisition by torture is an unsolved problem in the field of judicature,which results not only from the judicial officer's personal quality but also from the unperfect rule of legislation. It should be solved following these points: The first is to make clear the legitimacy of uncommunicative right. The second is to impose restrictions on proof ability. The last is to prohibit from gaining testimony with illegal means.
Journal of Huan Public Security College