西藏历史上有一些重大的理论问题被来自各方面的研究和学说披上了一层面纱 ,如历史上中央王朝与西藏地方政治关系中的“供施关系” ;中央政府对西藏地方的管理 ;西藏地方行政区划的沿革 ;中国历史与西藏地方历史的关系等。通过史料研究 ,这些重大问题都可以有较明晰的文字阐述和资料佐证。弄清这些问题 ,对于研究西藏问题、了解西藏。
There are certain major issues concerning the history of Tibet that have been made vague by studies that have so far been conducted by numerous schools and disciplines, such as the 'give and take' relationship between local governments of Tibet and the imperial court of various dynasties, administration of the court over Tibet, changes in the administrative regional divisions of Tibet, and the relationship between the history of China and that of Tibet. Most of these issues can be made more lucid by references to historical literature and archives. Their getting clarified is of great signification to Tibetan studies and is conducive to a better understanding of Tibet and a strengthening of the integrity of the Chinese nation.