21世纪的技术创新理论与实践 ,已经超越了熊彼特理论意义上仅被认为是对经济增长促进的“内生变量”及对“经济周期”说明的传统观点 ,并逐渐正视经济、社会和生态三者间的紧密联系与协调发展的现实问题。与此同时 ,考察任何技术创新活动的基本性质 ,都必须依据系统整体性原则及系统科学范畴的协同学方法论。因为 ,它们对经济、社会和生态可持续协调发展的认识与指导都是至关重要的。本文提出技术创新的三维视野 ,旨在纠正传统技术创新理论狭隘的经济增长观及其在认识上的误导 ,以使之符合 2 1世纪可持续发展战略的时代要求。
Although J. A Shumpeter has basically changed the idea to regard the technical innovation as an 'external variable' of economic growth and made his theory have great influence even in the present economic activities,he can’t get rid of the basic characteristics of his time. 21st century is a time in which economy,society and ecology are developing harmoniously in the sense of system integration and is also a time of sustainable development strategy becoming the basic national policy of every country. This strong time character makes all the theories and practices regarding technical innovation must face directly the practical problem that economy,society and ecology should be combined closely and developed harmoniously. This paper is to rectify the misleading narrow idea of economic growth in the traditional technical innovation theory and make it meet the time demand of sustained development strategy in the 21st century.
Academic Monthly