
技术的社会建构:理论探索与政策含义 被引量:6

Social Construction of Technology: Theoretical Discussion and Policy Implication
摘要 技术的社会建构论以建构主义为思想基石,聚焦于考察技术被建构的过程。在该理论框架中,技术被界定为社会行动,从而消解了传统的“人—机”二元论,而走向一种“可塑因—不可塑因”的新二分法;技术的结构即是围绕技术的社会行动结构,各个行动者之间的权力分布和互动关系可运用网络方法加以分析;技术发展是一个建构的演化过程,其动力源自于各类行动者的建构作用,多样性源自于各类行动者的异质性,行动者之间的协商构成了选择环境;社会建构论包含一种建构论的政策思想,强调政策干预的持续性、地方性以及政策决策民主化。 The social construction of technology, which takes the constructivism as corner-stone, focuses on the process of how technology is constructed or shaped. Viewing in a social constructivist perspective, technology is defined as a social action so as to give up the traditional 'human-machine' dualism and turns to a new 'constructable-unconstructable' dichotomy. Technology can thus be considered as configurated by social actions, and a network is needed as a way to analyze the power distribution and interactions among all the actors. The development of technology can be explained as a constructively evolutionary process, of which the driving force is originated from the interactions among different actors whose heterogeneity forms the diversity. The negotiations among them constructs a selective environment. A constructive policy-making idea is contained in the social construction of technology to emphasize the sustainability and localization in policy intervention and the democratization of decision-making.
作者 邢怀滨
出处 《东北大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第4期241-246,共6页 Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(02BSH001)。
关键词 技术 社会建构论 建构主义 技术政策 technology social construction constructivism technological policy
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