归责原则与刑罚观有密切的联系。报应刑罚观导致结果责任 ,与报应刑罚观相对的预防刑罚观导致罪过责任 ,但是罪过责任在现代社会中产生了证明难的诉讼困境和公众利益的保护缺失两大弊病。针对这两大弊病 ,产生了无需证明罪过和无需考虑罪过的严格责任。但是严格责任在理论上却无法成为一种独立的归责原则 ,同时严格责任的适用会导致刑罚报应目的和预防目的的双重失落 ,这就是严格责任的局限性。笔者提出 ,诉讼困境是无法避免的 ,而公众利益的保护可以通过用行政责任或民事责任代替刑事责任的方法来实现。因此 ,严格责任没有存在的余地。
There is the close connection between the principle of imputation and the concept of penalty.The retribution penalty leads to the result liability.The prevenion penalty leads to the subjecive liability.But the subjective liability also leads to the dilemma of prosecution of difficult proof and the deficiency in protection of interest of the public.To solve these two disadvantages of the subjective liability,the strict liability has appeared.However,the strict liability can not only be a independent principle of imputation in theory,but also leads to the missing of retribution and prevention penalty.That is the limitation of the strict liability.The dilemma of prosecution of dificult proof can not be avoided,and the dficiency in protection of interest of the public can be compenstated through the administrative liability and the civil liability.So,we should not adopt the the Strict Liability in theory and practice.
Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute