采用 10条 10bp随机引物对来自山西省临猗县 (山西南部 )、屯留县、太原市近郊 (山西中部 )、代县 (山西北部 )、内蒙呼和浩特市郊 5个不同种群的中华稻蝗 (Oxyachinensis)和广西南宁日本稻蝗 (Oxyajaponica)共 64个个体进行了RAPD分析 ,探讨了中华稻蝗 5个不同种群的亲缘关系。结果表明 :10条随机引物对供试的 64个个体共产生 115条谱带。所获片段的分子量大小为 2 0 0~ 2 50 0bp ,单个引物扩增的谱带数是 5~ 15条 ,平均为 12条。根据扩增出的RAPD图谱 ,运用SPSS软件包中的Between groupslinkage法进行聚类分析 ,聚类结果显示 ,中华稻蝗不同种群的个体优先聚为 1类 ;供试中华稻蝗 5个种群的系统树分为两大分支 ,山西临猗种群、屯留种群亲缘关系最近 ,首先相聚 ,然后与太原种群聚为一支 ,山西代县和内蒙呼和浩特 2种群聚为另一支 ,两支相聚后与日本稻蝗相聚。表明供试中华稻蝗 5个种群存在一定程度的差异 。
Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were applied to analyze genetic relationships of five populations of Oxya chinensis collected from Shanxi Province and laner Mongolia,Oxya japonica from Guangxi was used as an outgroup.Genomic DNA of sixty-four individuals was extracted from dissected leg muscle using phenol-chloroform procedure,and then amplified by 10 random primers (10 bp),the amplified products were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis.The results were as follows:(1) a total of 115 clear and reproducible bands were generated,molecular size was 200~2 500 bp.The obtaining segments of individual primer were among 5~15,on average,about 12 bands per primer.(2) The dendrogram based on 115 RAPD markers was constructed and clustered using between-groups linkage method.The cluster analysis indicated strong similarities within populations,firstly,the individuals in each population closely clustered together;and then five populations of Oxya chinensis could be distinguished with RAPD markers and were grouped into two distinct clusters.The dendrogram showed that Shanxi Linyi population and Tunliu population were the most similar,which were clustered with Taiyuan population Shanxi into one cluster,while,Daixian population in Shanxi was closely related to laner Mongolia population,both of which belonged to the other cluster.Nevertheless,All the five populations of Oxya chinensis had far genetic distance with Oxya japonica.In the dendrogram,a tendency of clustering following a North-South gradient could be observed,the results implied that genetic distance of five populations of Oxya chinensis correlated with geographical distance to some degree.
国家自然科学基金(编号:3007011230170612 )
山西省自然科学基金资助项目(编号:991 0 96 )~~