将矿物质超细粉应用于高性能混凝土中。其填充作用可以降低混凝土孔隙率,改善其微观结构和宏观性能,但提高填充效果的途径依然有待探讨。粉体的最紧密堆积要求其粒径分布服从Andrensen方程,而实际水泥粉体的粒径分布则服从Rosin-Rammler-Bennet方程。将实测水泥及矿渣超细粉的微分粒径分布与Andrensen方程微分曲线进行了分析和对比。结果表明:在混凝土中掺入比表面积800 m2/kg矿物质超细粉时.虽然可在一定程度上降低孔隙率。但无法达到最紧密堆积的效果,而就工程实际而言,通过多级填充.将超细粉与更细颗粒的材料,如:硅灰等配合使用是更好的方法。
It is known that the addition of superfine mineral powder in a high performance concrete can decrease the porosity, upgrade the microstructure and the macro-properties of the corresponding concrete, for with an efficient approach for the package is necessary. It is stated that the Andrensen equation fits for the particle size distribution (PSD) of a dense package powder and the Rosin-Rammler-Bennett equation fits for the PSD of an actual cement powder, respectively. The differential distribution of the actual powder and the differential curve based on the Andrensen equation are also discussed. The results show that the addition of the superfine mineral powder with specific surface area of 800 m2 kg-1 in concrete decreases the porosity, but there is an insignificant improvement on dense package of the mineral powder. The more practical way is the multi-grade package, such as adding the superfine mineral powder with smaller fillers such as silica fume into the concrete from the engineering point of view.
Journal of The Chinese Ceramic Society